Stripe is an online payment processing and credit card/ direct debits processing platform for businesses. When a customer buys a product online, the funds need to be delivered to you; Insert Stripe. Stripe allows safe and efficient processing of funds via credit card or bank and transfers those funds to your account.
As a certified Stripe partner, Pelcro leverages Stripe Connect to manage your customer’s subscriptions, invoices, payment methods, and charges, all through our platform features as well as our APIs. In order to access all of Pelcro's functionality, you'll need a Stripe account.
Once your Stripe account is connected to ours, various operations, actions, and events being performed by platform collaborators and your customers are automatically synced between your Pelcro & Stripe accounts. These include creating new customers and subscriptions, managing products, plans, invoices, payment methods, coupons, and more.
Furthermore, as long as your Stripe account is connected to Pelcro’s platform account, Your Pelcro account will be listening to a number of important events emitted from Stripe. This helps us keep your data synchronized at all times and notify you about these events. These events include subscriptions and invoice lifecycle updates, new and upcoming invoices, payment attempts failures, and expiring payment methods, just to name a few.
Connecting to Stripe
Stripe is a payment processing platform. It allows you to transfer money from a customer’s bank account into your business’s account by way of a credit or debit card transaction. Pelcro integrates with Stripe to accept payments and manage your businesses online.
Upon the creation of your Pelcro account, you'll receive a popup message at the top of the page, prompting you to connect Pelcro to your Stripe account.
Once you've clicked on the connect with stripe button, you will be redirected to a new page where you'll see the below message. From there, you can either sign in with an existing Stripe account, or create a new Stripe account by signing up.
Once the sign-in is complete, you should have now completed connecting your Pelcro and Stripe accounts."
Activating Direct Debits
To activate direct debit on the platform, navigate to Integrations > Payment Gateways > Stripe. Please note that you will need to activate direct debit on your Stripe account as well for direct debits to work.

Testing Your Configuration
To confirm that your configuration works correctly, simulate transactions without moving any money by leveraging Stripe test cards.
How we interact with Stripe
While Pelcro interacts with various Stripe objects throughout different actions and events taking place, Pelcro ultimately considers Stripe as a payment processor. Therefore, with that in mind, the below should be taken into consideration to help streamline any day to day operations and/or financial reconciliations:
- Pelcro will guarantee synchronization of online payments which are processed on Stripe and reflected on Pelcro (i.e. Initiated directly through Pelcro Platform/UI/API, Processed via Stripe, and reflected back on Pelcro)
- Pelcro will guarantee synchronization of online refunds which are processed on Pelcro and reflected on Stripe (i.e. Initiated directly through Pelcro Platform/UI/API, Reflected on Pelcro, and processed via Stripe)
- Any additional transactions/objects which are currently intersecting between Stripe and/or Pelcro should be effectively considered as out of scope, deprecated, and are not maintained by Pelcro. They are only scoped to what is managed by Pelcro, within the Pelcro ecosystem, and within the context of flows that are both allowed and supported by Pelcro.
Stripe Objects
- Balance Transaction
- Charge
- Coupon
- Credit Note (+Line Items)
- Customer
- Customer Balance Transaction
- Discount
- Invoice (+Line Items)
- Payment Intent
- Payment Method
- Plan
- Product
- Refund
- Setup Attempt
- Setup Intent
- Source
- Subscription
- Subscription Item
- Subscription Schedule
- Tax Rate
Stripe Events
Stripe Object | Stripe Event(s) |
Charge | charge.captured charge.dispute.closed charge.dispute.created charge.dispute.funds_reinstated charge.dispute.funds_withdrawn charge.dispute.updated charge.expired charge.failed charge.pending charge.refunded charge.succeeded charge.updated |
Credit Note | credit_note.created credit_note.updated credit_note.voided |
Customer | customer.deleted customer.updated customer.source.created customer.source.deleted customer.source.expiring customer.source.updated |
Subscription | customer.subscription.deleted customer.subscription.trial_will_end customer.subscription.updated |
Invoice | invoice.created invoice.deleted invoice.finalized invoice.marked_uncollectible invoice.payment_action_required invoice.payment_failed invoice.payment_succeeded invoice.upcoming invoice.updated invoice.voided |
PaymentIntent | payment_intent.amount_capturable_updated payment_intent.canceled payment_intent.created payment_intent.payment_failed payment_intent.requires_action payment_intent.succeeded |
SetupIntent | setup_intent.canceled setup_intent.created setup_intent.requires_action setup_intent.setup_failed setup_intent.succeeded |
Source/Card | source.canceled source.chargeable source.failed |
SubscriptionSchedule | subscription_schedule.aborted subscription_schedule.canceled subscription_schedule.completed subscription_schedule.expiring subscription_schedule.released subscription_schedule.updated |
Disconnecting Stripe
As a certified Stripe partner and an all-in-one Subscription, Membership, and Donation platform, Pelcro deeply integrates with your Stripe account and performs numerous operations and actions in relationship with features you leverage from us.
Disconnecting your Stripe account induces risks of losing unique features and services we provide, interrupting the flow of any integrations we built and maintained for you, and can implicate data migration challenges to consider.
Therefore, before disconnecting your Stripe account from our platform, it's crucial you carefully assess the impacts and consider alternative solutions. If you have any concerns or questions, it's advisable to contact your Pelcro account manager for guidance and support.
Q: How does Pelcro handle lost disputes on Stripe?
A: Pelcro automatically processes lost disputes on Stripe to maintain accurate financial records and ensure consistency between both platforms. When a dispute is marked as lost on Stripe, Pelcro performs the following actions:
- Updates the payment status to "refunded" or "partially refunded" based on the dispute amount.
- Creates a credit note to document the reversal of revenue.
- Generates a refund record specifying the reason as "Credit Card Chargeback" and the type as "Full" or "Partial" depending on the amount.
- Adjusts accounting ledgers to reflect the reversed amounts.
Q: Is a refund sent to Stripe when a dispute is lost?
A: No, a refund is not sent to Stripe when a dispute is marked as lost. The system only updates internal records and accounting.
Updated 8 months ago