Pelcro allows you to directly issue a refund through the platform for charges made to a customer's credit card or their offline payment.

Refunds may be partial (only a portion of the amount is refunded) or full (the entire amount is refunded), for situations that include incorrect charges, cancellation, or unsatisfactory services. Refunds can be made directly to successful payments or by canceling a subscription and refunding the prorated amount. It typically takes 1-3 business days for a refund to be reflected on a customer's credit card. The wait time on offline payments is dependent on the business's process.

Online Refunds

Refund a payment entirely

You can refund an entire payment by navigating to the customer and opening their list of payments. Click on options of the payment that will allow you to refund the entire payment. This action does not cancel the subscription or handle any other logic except for refunding the payment.

Refund while canceling a subscription

The following processes only apply to the “Automatically charge a payment source on file” NOT “Invoice the customer”.

Create a subscription that is automatically billed

Create new subscription and in the “Payment Method” section, choose “invoice the customer” as shown below,

Cancel the subscription

Once the subscription gets created, navigate the toolbar, go to "Billing" > "Subscriptions", locate your newly created subscription, click on the three dots, then click "View subscription".

On the top right, click on the three dots then select "Cancel subscription"


Refund to Credit Card

A popup window will be shown, choose “Immediately” and click on “Cancel subscription”

Another popup will be shown. Click on “Refund customer”

The last popup will display the details of the customer’s subscription. Click on “Refund customer”

To view the refunded subscription

From the toolbar, go to "Billing" > "Refunds"> "Succeeded".

The subscription is automatically refunded to the user's credit card.

Refund to customer balance

You can also refund the payment as credit to the customer balance instead of refunding it to the credit card. In this case, the customer balance will be used to pay any subsequent invoice that is created under this customer's account. Note that the customer balance will always be prioritized when a new invoice is created. The customer balance can be used to pay a new invoice in full or partially.

Offline Refunds

This offline refunding guide will walk you through the process of refunding a cancelled subscription.

Refund while cancelling a subscription

The following processes only apply to the “Invoice the customer” NOT the “Automatically charge a payment source on file”

Create a subscription that is sent directly to the customer

create new subscription and in the “Payment Method” section, choose “invoice the customer” as shown below,

Cancel the subscription

Once the subscription gets created, navigate the toolbar, go to "Billing" > "Subscriptions", locate your newly created subscription, click on the three dots, then click "View subscription".

On the top right, click on the three dots then select "Cancel subscription"


A popup window will be shown, choose “Immediately” and click on “Cancel subscription”

Another popup will be shown. Click on “Refund customer”

The last popup will display the details of the customer’s subscription. Click on “Refund customer”

Enable immediate subscription cancellation on customer dashboard

This setting (available only to auto-renewal plans) allows you to control whether your customers can have the option to cancel their active subscriptions immediately (not at the end of their subscription period) directly from their user dashboard. You'll also have control over which geographical locations you can allow issuing a prorated refund for, based on any requirements needed.

Refund an entire offline payment

Alternatively, you can refund the offline payment but keep in mind that the invoice associated with this payment must be "paid" in order to see it in "Billing" > "payments"

Click on the three dots then "Refund payment" and choose the reason.

Process an offline refund

We created a process for you to issue offline refunds to make it a separate process. This would allow your agents to create offline refunds based on customer service engagement. However, your administrators will be required to export the refunds and mark them as processed which will signify that the cheque has been issued and send to the customer.

From the toolbar, go to "Billing" > "Refunds"> "Pending Offline". All offline refunds are placed in the "Pending Offline" tab. Select the refund by marking the checkbox and click on mark as processed button in the top right to process the offline refund.


On the right, there is an "Export" button which means that all the data in the table will be sent to your email so that you can validate it and choose whether to proceed or not.

Click on "Export"

On the top page, you'll see a message stating that "Your export request is now queued for processing, we'll send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as your export is ready"

In the above image, note that the “exported” column has a timestamp value of the exact time you clicked on "export" and there is a checkbox associated with this row.

Mark refund as processed

Once you're ready to finalize the last step of refunding, check on that row and you'll notice that the button "MARK AS PROCESSED" is clickable

After you click on that button, a popup message will appear for confirmation.

View the refunded subscription

When you confirm it, the record will be moved from "To issue" to "Succeeded"

Note that canceling a subscription, as the name states, cancels the subscription which includes a process to create a refund. However, refunding a payment does not cancel or impact the subscription in any way.