Platform logs provide detailed information for Pelcro's different platform resources. They are automatically generated. Essentially, this gives you a running summary of everything that happens on your site, which is crucial for maintaining a secure site that runs smoothly. This can be especially useful if you’re working with a large team of administrators, or your site works with large amounts of information.

This article provides an overview of platform logs including what information they provide and how you can access and use them for collection and analysis.

Accessing Logs

You can access the logs from settings in the side bar, and choosing Logs from the account settings.

Listing Log Events

Once you arrive at the logs page, you will see a detailed list view of all log events on your account, including details related to date and time of when an event occurred, the site on which relevant site-specific events happened, which collaborator triggered the event, the level of the event (informational/warning/error), as well as a brief description of what the event is.

Viewing Log Event Details

You can click on each line item on the list of the log events to view more details about a specific log event. Each event will contain unique sets of information which are relevant to the nature of the event, and will help you identify more details related to the log event.

For example, when a new subscription is created, the log event details will contain information related to the subscription details, as shown below, which is different from what will be shown when a customer is created, for instance. You can refer to the relevant "List of Log Events" in the sections below to see the type of information which will be shown on each log event message.

Platform Activity Logs

Platform activity logs lists all of the recent activity on your site. It will drill down events related to your platform elements (products, subscriptions, collaborators, etc.) in a consolidated view, which you can use to keep track of what’s happening. These types of log messages will include events like subscription creations, customer additions, collaborator deletions, site settings updates, and more.

Maintaining an activity log for your site is essential for security, integrity, and accountability. Logs track the majority of events and changes related to your account and sites, which can provide you with valuable information when something goes wrong.

  • Activity logs ensure accountability; enabling you to see when a given activity has not been performed as expected, or if a mistake has been made that causes problems.
  • Activity logs make troubleshooting errors easier; being able to consult an activity log would make diagnosing a problem faster by enabling you to see what happened just before it first appeared, giving you a path to investigate further instead of guesswork.
  • Activity logs help you meet regulatory standards; being able to track the activity on your site is mandatory. by several regulatory compliance bodies (GDPR, for instance) for certain websites, including those run by businesses.

List of Activity Log Events

InfoCollaborator [ID] logged in
InfoCollaborator [ID] created
InfoCollaborator [ID] updated
InfoCollaborator [ID] removed
InfoCollaborator [ID] requested password reset
InfoCollaborator [ID] password updated
InfoCollaborator [ID] logged out
InfoCollaborator [ID] multi-factor authentication updated
InfoAccount [ID] Information updated
InfoAccount [ID] webhook endpoint created
InfoAccount [ID] webhook endpoint deleted
InfoAccount [ID] webhook endpoint disabled
InfoAccount [ID] webhook endpoint enabled
InfoAccount [ID] billing settings updated
InfoAccount [ID] plan updated
InfoAccount [ID] multi-factor authentication settings updated
InfoSite [ID] settings updated
InfoSite [ID] design settings updated
InfoSite [ID] fraud prevention updated
InfoCustomer [ID] created
InfoCustomer [ID] updated
InfoCustomer [ID] deleted
InfoCustomer [ID] metadata created
InfoCustomer [ID] metadata updated
InfoCustomer [ID] password reset
InfoCustomer [ID] password updated
InfoCustomer [ID] address created
InfoCustomer [ID] address updated
InfoCustomer [ID] default address updated
InfoCustomer [ID] account balance updated
InfoSubscription [ID] redeemed
InfoSubscription [ID] created
InfoSubscription [ID] updated
InfoSubscription [ID] reactivated
InfoSubscription [ID] renewed
InfoSubscription [ID] unrenewed
InfoSubscription [ID] cancelled
InfoSubscription [ID] shipments remaining updated
InfoSubscription [ID] shipments suspended
InfoSubscription [ID] shipments delivery updated
InfoSubscription [ID] phase deleted
InfoSubscription [ID] status updated
InfoSubscription [ID] sales representative attached
InfoSubscription [ID] sales representative updated
InfoSubscription [ID] sales representative removed
InfoInvoice [ID] created
InfoInvoice [ID] status updated
InfoInvoice [ID] purchase order updated
InfoInvoice [ID] was downloaded
InfoInvoice [ID] automatic collection updated
InfoSubscription Product [ID] created
InfoSubscription Product [ID] configuration created
InfoSubscription Product [ID] configuration updated
InfoSubscription Product [ID] details updated
InfoSubscription Product [ID] details deleted
InfoSubscription Product [ID] archived
InfoSubscription Product [ID] un-archived
InfoSubscription Product [ID] deleted
InfoProduct Pricing Plan [ID] created
InfoProduct Pricing Plan [ID] updated
InfoProduct Pricing Plan [ID] archived
InfoProduct Pricing Plan [ID] un-archived
InfoProduct Pricing Plan [ID] deleted
InfoeCommerce Product [ID] created
InfoeCommerce Product [ID] details updated
InfoeCommerce Product [ID] archived
InfoeCommerce Product [ID] un-archived
InfoeCommerce Product [ID] deleted
InfoeCommerce Product SKU [ID] created
InfoeCommerce Product SKU [ID] updated
InfoeCommerce Product SKU [ID] deleted
InfoeCommerce Order [ID] created
InfoeCommerce Order [ID] updated
InfoeCommerce Order [ID] status updated
InfoMultiple eCommerce Orders status updated
InfoCoupon [ID] created
InfoCoupon [ID] updated
InfoCoupon [ID] deleted
InfoNewsletter [ID] created
InfoNewsletter [ID] updated
InfoNewsletter [ID] deleted
InfoTicket [ID] created
InfoTicket [ID] updated
InfoTicket [ID] deleted
InfoTicket [ID] status updated
InfoList [ID] created
InfoList [ID] deleted
InfoList [ID] exported
InfoFulfillment [ID] created
InfoFulfillment [ID] approved
InfoFulfillment [ID] deleted
InfoFulfillment [ID] exported
InfoFulfillment [ID] report downloaded

Platform OpenAPI Logs

Once you arrive at the logs page, select the Open API tab, and then you will be able to view the activity and gather the insights needed as shown below.

From the dropdown on the left, you can choose to search based on one of the available options:

  • Request URI
  • IP address
  • Customer ID
  • Response code

Please note that the open API logs are accessible exclusively to administrators only.

Platform Webhook Logs

The Webhook Logs tab to effectively analyze your webhook activity. The logs provide detailed information about incoming webhook events, allowing you to monitor performance, troubleshoot issues, and gain insights into your integrations.

The Webhook Logs tab displays several key data points for each event:

  • DATE: The date and time the webhook event was received.
  • ENDPOINT ID: Identifier of the specific webhook endpoint that received the event.
  • NOTIFICATION ID: Unique identifier assigned to the individual webhook notification.
  • EVENT ID: Internal identifier for the event within the system.
  • EVENT TYPE: The type of event triggered by the webhook.
  • CONNECT TIME: Time taken to establish a connection with the webhook endpoint.
  • TOTAL TIME: Total duration from initiating the webhook request to receiving a response.
  • STATUS: Status code returned by the webhook endpoint (e.g., 200 for success, 404 for not found).

Moreover, the Webhook Logs tab offers various filtering/ search options to help you focus on specific events:

  • Filter by Webhook Endpoint: Select a specific endpoint from a dropdown menu to view logs associated only with that endpoint.
  • Filter by Event Type (Multi-Select): Choose one or more event types from a list to narrow down the logs based on the triggered event.
  • Filter by Range Date: Use the date picker to filter logs received on that particular day.
  • Advanced Search: Perform comprehensive full-text searches within the request payload data to identify issues quicker.