
Retrieve list of states/regions for any country.


Caching on edge locations

To improve performance and reduce latency, this endpoint leverages a distributed caching system. Processes are in place to invalidate this cache automatically whenever required. However, due to the geographically distributed nature of the caching system (edge locations), propagation might take up to 30 minutes to reach all locations.


Use this public endpoint to return a list of states/regions for a specific country, in a specific language (the locale query parameter). You can use this endpoint to auto-populate drop-down menus for countries and related states/regions in a user interface.

If a country code is not specified as a path parameter, the default behavior is to return the list of states/regions based on the country detected from the originating request, which is automatically detected.

If locale is not specified as a query parameter or if it is invalid, the default behavior is to return the list for en_US locale.

Supported languages

en_US || enEnglish - United States
fr_CA || frFrench - Canada
it_IT || itItalian - Italy
es_ES || esSpanish - Spain (Traditional)
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