
Get started using our Open API on your website.

In order to use Open API endpoints, your account needs to be identified, which is done via your Site ID. This identifier is not meant to be a secret. It is similar to a publishable key and is directly linked to your account.

Therefore, the site_id is required as a query parameter for all requests, regardless if the endpoint is public or protected.

How to find your Site ID

You can find this identifier at the end of the URL for your site on the Pelcro platform in the web browser's address bar (e.g., where XX is your Site ID.

Protected endpoints

In addition to the site_id, endpoints which are protected require context of the authenticated customer. This is achieved by passing the customer's authentication token as part of the HTTP Authorization request header.

In order to retrieve this token, you either register a new customer, or log in as an existing customer. In both cases, a Customer resource is returned which contains the authentication token. Read more about authentication and how to properly format the authorization header.

Make sure to review the documentation for each endpoint, as required information may vary depending on the payment gateway you are using, or features which are enabled for your account or site.