What's New in Version 1.47 (Eliot)

George Eliot“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?”
(1819 - 1880)
George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Ann Evans, a 19th century well-known English novelist. She is one of the most famous female writers in Western literature who is known for her great insight into the human mind. Her works are still popular today and are considered part of the canon of great literature.
Eliot's work is characterized by realism and psychological insight, two of the cornerstone elements of great user experience, which is and will always be one of the most important aspects of any product.
It's no news that our feature development is constantly driven by the way the user feels about using all of our components and services, and with this release, we're focusing on a number of elements which cater to our information architecture. It's critical that we're creating an appropriate design for our audience not just on a visual level, but ensuring that information users want is placed with an effective data-driven interface that will be easy for them to navigate through.
Let's take a look at some of our important updates which are included in our v1.47 release:
- Introducing the newest addition to Pelcro's identity mechanisms: Auth0. Pelcro now encompasses Auth0 as an additional identity provider for a simple and secure authentication option to your website. Auth0 is known for being one of the simplest and most secure ways for enterprises to implement identity management, and can be used in tandem with any other authentication system or as an enterprise-grade stand-alone solution. This allows customers to continue accessing other multiple applications, alongside your website, without having to log in again or remember different passwords for each one.

- We added a new report to our analytics module which provides insights about the number of subscriptions that churned over a given period. The report enables you to see what percent of all subscribers were cancelled or expired during that time. It is one of the most important reports for companies who want to know more about their audience or provide insights on where and when they can improve their products and services.

Support-type collaborators will now have restricted permissions to view the following sections on platform for increased privacy and security:
- Dashboard
- Analytics
- Accounting
You can now access the details page for your list line items on any of the relevant platform sections by directly clicking on the line item column entry, as an additional alternative to clicking the ellipsis menu > view details option. This helps in minimizing the number of clicks needed to navigate through the platform, which provides you easy and quick access to various information items, and improves your overall usability.

- Another subtle usability enhancement is when you're creating a new list, you should now be able to see the plan ids displayed on the dropdown to segment your customers according to the plan which they're subscribed to. This helps you in making a distinction based on the plan id in cases where the plan names are similar, without having to revert back to the plans section.

- When you're viewing gift subscriptions details, you will now be able to see the gift start date, gift recipient details, as well as the gift message which was included during subscription creation. This helps you in cases where the gift email doesn't get sent for whatever reason, you can later access this information and send it manually.

- When Restrictive Metatag Targeting is enabled for your site, our product selection modal will now emphasize products/plans which will allow the user to view the corresponding page content which is marked with the relevant metatag. This allows your customers to easily identify the products and plans which they need to subscribe to without any complications.

- We're now adding a new section on the end users dashboard that will separately list any subscription with a plan that has the donation flag enabled, so that you are able to view all of your donations easily and simply.

- When you're creating a gift subscription through Pelcro elements, the gift message in the gift subscription flow will now have a character limit of 200. While limited character count may mean less punctuation and some creative abbreviations, it helps in making the message in a virtual water-cooler format, which is a quick and easy way to blast short tidbits of information.

- We've taken a pass at analyzing and improving our website performance through reducing load times, as well as optimizing resource sizes and bandwidth usage (specially on mobile views). This continues to be an organic initiative to maintain optimal performance, speed, and overall site experience for your collaborators.
Our core API now has all of the complete CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) operations for our plans endpoint. These functions embody all the hallmarks of compliance with the goals of a RESTful architecture for our APIs, and provides further flexibility tied to your Pelcro resources.
You are now able to see whether a password has been set or updated for the customer, as well as the last login timestamp, as part of the response payload for the customer information. This is applicable to customer API endpoint, as well as related webhooks. You can now use this information for any tracking or reporting purposes relating to your customers.
Pelcro metadata is now no longer synced with Stripe. Instead, the Stripe object_id is now available in our webhooks. This provides some performance enhancements, specifically speeding up the creation process of products, plans, customers, subscriptions, and coupons.
Pelcro now integrates with Omeda, an end-to-end audience management solution designed to help businesses streamline handle audience targeting, improve retention rate, and manage revenue streams via a unified platform. Through Pelcro, you can now automatically sync all of your Pelcro customer and newsletter data directly into your Omeda information elements, so that there isn't any hassle in doing so manually.

- We now include Pelcro's subscription attributes as merge tags on Mailchimp as part of our continuing improvements to our Mailchimp Integration, used by many of our clients for sending newsletters and other notifications to their customers via an all-in-one service where they are able to easily manage all of their subscriptions with less hassle.

"We're gonna make you some bug fixes you can't refuse"
- Fixed: Minor paywall bugs relating to meta-tag entitlements.
- Fixed: Misbehaviors in the list builder section date pickers in certain scenarios.
- Fixed: Minor enhancements to the product list and creation sections to improve usability.
- We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!