
Designed for developers to interact with core Pelcro functionalities and extend the platform's capabilities.

The Pelcro Core API is a set of programming tools that allows you to directly integrate your own systems and applications with Pelcro's platform. Our RESTful API is easy to understand with predictable URLs and standard HTTP methods for actions and error handling. You can securely interact with the API from your web applications, and it uses JSON for all data communication.


  • Automate Tasks: Streamline your business processes by automating actions within Pelcro based on events or triggers in your external systems.
  • Customize Features: Build tailored functions and experiences beyond what's natively available in the Pelcro Dashboard.
  • Data Integration: Seamlessly sync data between Pelcro and your existing software tools like a CRM, accounting software, or other databases.
  • Advanced Reporting & Analytics: Pull raw data for custom reporting or integration with your own business intelligence tools.


Creating API Keys

  1. Obtain Your Credentials:
    1. API Key: Retrieve a secure key from your Pelcro Account Settings. Note that only Account Owners & Administrators can generate API Keys. Treat your API Key as a confidential password; Never share it publicly (e.g., on GitHub or in client-side code).
    2. Site ID: You can retrieve your Pelcro site ID either from your Pelcro site settings, or in the browser URL of your Pelcro platform (e.g., https://pelcro.com/admin/{site_id}/customers).
  2. Include Credentials in Requests:
    1. Incorporate both your Personal Access Token and Site ID into the appropriate headers of your API requests.
    2. Refer to the documentation of specific API endpoints for exact instructions.


For testing, request access to our staging environment. This allows you to thoroughly test your API integrations.

Rate Limits

  • We use rate limiting to protect our systems and ensure optimal performance for all users. This helps us manage traffic flow, prevent overload, and increase security against attacks.
  • Current Limit: You can make up to 120 API operations (reads or writes) per minute, per account. Exceeding this will result in a 429 HTTP error (Too Many Requests).
  • Handling Rate Limits: If you receive a 429 error, implement a retry mechanism with exponential backoff. This means retrying your failed requests with increasing delays between attempts.