What's New in Version 1.48 (Knight)

“On the whole we commend the works of man for their goodness, and the works of nature for their beauty”

Helen Knight
(1899 - 1984)

There are many data sets in the world, but not every data set is complete. Our v1.48 release pertains to the backend, is purely API driven, and is a direct result of improving our information architecture. With this release, we’re laying the foundation for a more user-friendly process of data collection, one that will be so much more than just an API, and builds further to support upcoming projects and collaborations. Our team is excited about this release use it explores analytic aesthetics from a backend perspective, which was the philosophy of our namesake, Helen Knight.

Once Knight became a member of the Aristotelian Society in 1922, Knight served on its Executive Committee for several terms. Occasionally, she would publish papers on aesthetics at Cambridge, relating to topics about the mind and philosophy, among others. Reflecting on her professional life, she addressed the Aristotelian Society talking about the Women's Graduate Club in Cambridge. Judging by the caliber of co-presenters, discussants, and commentators of her papers at various meetings and conferences, her work was admired and revered in her field.

Let's dive right into the nitty gritty



  • If your mailing lists have email addresses that are spam traps or simply incorrect, your email deliverability will suffer, and that will pull down your ROI too. Hence, we added a new email verification mechanism for the user sign up process. Once your end users register, a verification email is sent with a link/token that allows them to verify their email. Once they verify their email, they will be able to subscribe and complete transactions. This also introduces a number of benefits which include ascertaining accuracy of your data, improving customer engagement, reducing SPAM or identity misuse, among others.
  • To save you a few clicks and enable you to work faster with your subscriptions, we added the ability to "quickly" renew a subscription on the same plan with a single click instead of going through the entire renewal process ( of selecting a new product, plan, address, payments, etc...). When you use this functionality, all fields on the renew subscription screen will be pre-populated only awaiting confirmation for the payment method and confirming the renew.



  • We added an SDK API endpoint that you can use to list plans based on site ID and emails, along with an associated SDK method. This is useful in instances where you want to determine if a user is entitled to a specific plan or not.

  • We've added a new "trial_period_days" parameter to the subscription's trial period to our create subscription core API endpoint. This allows you to have control over the trial period using the API while you're creating a subscription, just like you would do it from the platform.



"Frankly my dear, we're always working on bugs"

  • Fixed: Minor paywall bugs relating to restrictive metatags
  • Fixed: Amount displayed in cents for eCommerce Orders export
  • Fixed: Coupon discounts applied when an invalid code is entered after a valid one



  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!