Release 1.83


🟢Removed State Validation for UK Addresses

We have updated the platform to remove state validation for addresses where the country is set to "United Kingdom," as taxes do not require a state field. This change applies to all relevant Open API endpoints, Core API endpoints, and platform workflows. Additionally, the "State/Province/Region" dropdown will no longer appear when "United Kingdom" is selected, simplifying the address creation and editing process. Finally, existing customers with populated state fields for UK addresses will not face any issues, ensuring a seamless transition and an improved user experience.

🟢Enhanced Failed Payments Export with Braintree Failure Reason

The failure reason for transactions processed via the Braintree payment gateway will now be included in the Failed Payments Export. This enhancement applies to payments received after this release, providing improved visibility and transparency into payment failures.

🟢Enhancement: Braintree Gateway - Custom Descriptor & Configurable Dynamic Descriptor Support
Added support for passing a custom descriptor in the transaction object to include the site name for better transaction identification.
Configuration Option: Introduced a flag to enable or disable dynamic descriptors, giving users more control over their settings.
Important Note: Dynamic descriptors are not enabled by default on all braintree accounts. If you encounter a validation error or if descriptors are not displaying as expected, please contact us for assistance.

🟢Enhancement: Improved "Billed To" Name Display in Invoice View & PDF
We have updated the "Billed To" section in the invoice view and PDF to display the first name and last name from the default billing address. If no default billing address is attached to the customer, the system will fallback to the customer's first and last name to ensure accurate billing information.


🟢Enhancement: Include Discount Attribute in Invoice API Response
We have updated the Invoice API response to ensure that the discount attribute, along with the associated coupon information, is properly included. This enhancement provides better visibility into applied discounts, ensuring accurate and comprehensive invoice data.

Bug Fixes

🟢Fix: Handling Null "paid_at" Field in Webhook Payload
We have addressed an issue where the "paid_at" field occasionally appeared as null in the "invoice.payment_succeeded" webhook payload for the Braintree gateway. This fix ensures that the payment timestamp is correctly recorded and reflected in webhook events for improved data accuracy and reliability.