
Are you brimming with brilliant ideas on how to make our platform even better? We're all ears! Share them with us here.

New Features

Multi-Account Access Management


As a business, I want to allow my collaborators to login into Pelcro and then navigate from one account to another without having to re-login.

Get ready to unlock a new level of efficiency in managing multiple accounts. With our next update, collaborators will be able to log in once and effortlessly switch between multiple accounts without the need to re-login. This means quicker access to critical information, streamlined workflows, less credentials to manage, and enhanced productivity for your team.

Newsletter History


As a business, I want to be able to search and export newsletter log events as needed so that I am able to produce evidence related to opt-outs upon request.

Stemming from a common requirement for privacy compliance, we're improving the traceability of newsletter opt-ins and opt-outs to be visible and exportable for the purpose of producing evidence needed for data subject rights requests that result from un-subscriptions or marketing opt-outs. This will be available by having a section under each newsletter details that lists the opt-in/opt-out history over time.

Predefined Cancellation Reasons


As an administrator, I want to change the cancellation text field to a dropdown, so that I can provide predefined options for all collaborators to select from, ensuring clear and consistent communication regarding cancellations.

With our latest update, the cancellation text field can be transformed into a convenient dropdown menu. Now, all collaborators can select predefined options, ensuring clear and consistent messaging for cancellations. This streamlined approach saves time, reduces human errors, and enhances the overall collaborator experience.

Exports API

Core API

As a collaborator, I want to be able to customize and automate various Pelcro exports, analytics, and accounting reports, so that I can eliminate repetitive efforts within my operational and reporting functions.

No more repetitive manual work! We're thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking update to our APIs that allows you to customize and automate export and data extraction directly from our platform. This allows for easier and more efficient access to data, which can save a lot of time and effort. Additionally, This API makes it easier to share data with other systems and applications, which can lead to better collaboration and integration with other tools, and can help streamline workflows and improve productivity.


Navigation Enhancements


As a collaborator, I want to have a structured view of specific sections, so that I can easily navigate to them through clear instructions

Here's an overview of the changes:

  • Account & Site settings can now be accessed directly from the side navigation bar.
  • Logs are now accessible under account settings.
  • Site navigation actions can be accessed from the top-right site selection menu.
  • User actions can be accessed from the top-right site selection menu.

WorldPay Failed Payments Handling


As a business using Vantiv as their payment gateway, I want a unified workflow for hard and soft credit card declines during a new subscription purchase ensuring consistent and streamlined handling of declined payments.

We have adjusted the payment dunning logic with merchants using WorldPay such that payment retries will only be scoped to renewal-type transactions only if a credit card is declined. This ensures that retention mechanisms are only applicable to existing offerings, and not new ones.

Customer Column on Refunds Page


As business, I want the customer email to be prominently displayed in the refunds table, so that I can quickly identify and access the corresponding user profile for further assistance or investigation

We are introducing a new enhancement that will help you efficiently manage refund requests, providing better customer service and support. This new enhancement will display the customer email in the refunds table on the platform, making it easier to locate and manage customer refund requests.

Here's an overview of the changes:

  • The customer email was added to the refunds table, making it the first column and easily visible.
  • This new column will redirect you to the customer profile when clicked on.

Editing Campaign Keys on Pending Campaigns


As a collaborator I want to be able to edit the campaign key before starting the campaign, because this will give me more control over my campaign lists.

With this update, collaborators can now easily navigate to the campaign builder page in the platform and modify the key before starting the campaign. This gives you more control over making sure details which are relevant to the campaign can be corrected/adjusted, in case they have been incorrectly set before the campaign starts. You will also be able to see the campaign prefix relevant to campaigns which have autogenerated keys available on the campaign list page for more clarity.

Future Cancellation Options

Platform Elements Webhooks

As a collaborator, I want to have the ability to choose the exact time to cancel customers' subscriptions, so that manual effort is minimized

As a customer, I want to have the ability to choose the exact time to cancel my subscriptions, so that I have self-serve transparency and convenience, and not have to call customer support.

Organization Filter on Subscriptions


As a business, I want to be able to identify my subscribers based on their organization, so that I'm able to gain insights for demographic segmentation

We are excited to announce a new feature that will help you gain insights into your subscribers' demographic segmentation based on their organization. With this update, you will be able to identify your subscribers' organization and use this information to segment your subscribers for better targeting and analysis.

Here's an overview of the changes:

  • We have added the organization field to the subscriptions page on the platform.
  • The organization field will be displayed in the subscription exports.
  • We have also added an organization search filter to help you find specific subscribers quickly and easily.

Of course, we know that no software is perfect, which is why we've also been hard at work fixing bugs and addressing user feedback. We're squashing countless bugs to ensure that our software is as stable and reliable as possible. And if you do encounter any issues, our support team is always here to help.

Bug Fixes


  • Payment Retry intermittent issues for WorldPay payment gateway
  • Accounts Receivable failing to generate with large data sets
  • Some events related to customer actions not syncing to GA4 dashboard
  • Newly added credit cards not attaching to existing subscriptions in some instances when Automatic collection method transition is enabled

So there you have it - our next software release is shaping up to be a game-changer. We can't wait for you to try it out. Looking to stay in the loop on our software release progress? Look no further than our public roadmap! Follow along and stay in the know. It's like stalking us, but totally legal. 😉



New additions to List Builder export

  • We've added a new field in the list builder export; the subscription period end date which will save you the trouble of having to navigate further to find the end dates.



  • We've added the mail marketing and the telemarketing fields to be displayed on customer webhooks payloads. These field values can be leveraged within the context of any integrations working with Pelcro webhooks to indicate whether customers are authorized to receive telemarketing or Email marketing. customer.created webhook customer.updated webhook
    • mail_marketing: This attribute specifies whether the customer is authorized to receive mail marketing or not.
    • tele_marketing: This attribute specifies whether the customer is authorized to receive telemarketing or not.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the subscription collection method was not accurately reflected for some subscriptions renewed by the campaign builder. This fix will now accurately reflect the collection method of all the subscriptions.
  • Fixed a bug where some of the triggered customer events were being reflected as undefined on Google Analytics 4. These events can now be properly viewed and analyzed on your Google Analytics dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug in the expiry date filter on the list builder in the platform. This bug led to the lists generated having an inaccurate list of subscriptions when this filter is used. We addressed this bug to ensure that the generated lists have the correct subscriptions.
  • Fixed a bug related to failed payments in PayPal causing payments to not be automatically charged from the saved payment method. Additionally, payment failure codes are now captured and saved for future reference.


Documentation updates

  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible, and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.



New Upgrades to List Builder

  • We've added a new option under the available list builder filters, that would allow you to include or exclude subscriptions based on their expiry date within your segmentation criteria. This helps you with business use cases such as extracting and actioning subscribers based on their possibility of churning or no longer renewing for example.
  • One additional enhancement is that you can choose to select expiration dates either in the future or in the past, depending on the need. For example, if you want to target subscriptions that have expired in the past 1-2 months to send them a new promotion, you can apply the following values:

A newly added auto-renew field!

We've added a new field to the platform that allows you to automatically renew your subscription. This field is called "auto-renew" and is located in the subscription creation and renewal screens. When this field is checked, your subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of its current period, so you won't need to manually renew it. If the field is unchecked, your subscription will expire at the end of its current period. This new feature is designed to make it easier for you to keep your subscription active and ensure that you don't miss any of the benefits that come with it.

Enhancement to the Subscription export report!

We have added a new field to the subscription export report in the subscription screen, called the "Old Provider ID". This field will save you the time & effort of having to search for the old provider ID when exporting your subscriptions.



GA4 is now supported by Pelcro

As Pelcro is committed to utilizing the latest technology to provide the best possible experience for our users, we are excited to announce that we now fully support GA4, the latest version of Google Analytics. This means that users can now track and analyze their events and actions using the latest version of GA4, providing more detailed insights and improving the overall tracking process. Google Analytics!


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the eCommerce order charge.succeeded and charge.failed webhooks were not triggering.
  • The error message in case of modifying the email address of an end user from the UI has been updated to provide a clearer explanation of the issue and the steps required to resolve it. This should improve the user experience and prevent confusion or frustration.


Documentation updates

  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible, and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.



Address management enhancements

  • We have introduced more flexibility when customer addresses are being updated. Customers will now be able to update the state field as long as the address is not tied to any active subscriptions or e-commerce orders. This will save them the trouble of having to create a new address from scratch for instance, instead, you can apply the needed changes to an already existing address.

New functionality to the MailChimp integration page

You can now use this functionality to include SKU metadata values as clarified below.

PDF enhancements

The Payment method is now displayed on the Invoice and payment receipt PDFs.


Pelcro now captures UTM tags for the below stored as Metadata:

  • utm_campaign → provides the name of the specific marketing campaign.
  • utm_medium → which medium the visitor used to find your website.
  • utm_source → the source of your traffic is.
  • If a user registers, this information is stored on the customer record and is available on the customer.created webhook.
  • If a user is already registered and lands on your site with UTM tags, the tags on the customer record will be updated the tags and will be made available on customer.updated webhook, noting that this will overwrite existing UTM tags that were added from customer.created webhook.
  • If a subscription is created, tags on the subscription record will be updated and will be made available on subscription.created webhook.

Interface improvements

The membership manage members modal has been enhanced to display the below:

  • The invitation_email for any member with status = 'pending'
  • The user's email for any member with status = 'active'
  • In case the user's email is not available then it will display the user's first and last name.
  • In case the user's email and first and last names are not available then it will display the user's username.



Enhancements to E-commerce orders
E-commerce order processing has been enhanced to allow you to create zero-dollar SKUs on any supported payment gateways.

New event properties are now synced to the MailChimp integration

You'll be able to find all the needed information under the MailChimp Integration documentation.MailChimp Integration

SKU metadata

To enhance email automation even further, you will now be able to sync SKU metadata to your MailChimp integration with up to 5 keys.

New integrations!

Pelcro now offers a Cybersource integration that connects straight through our platform. Cybersource is a global payment gateway that enables you to take credit and debit card payments online around the world. It processes each transaction securely from start to finish, and all in just a few seconds.



  • Fixed a bug to make sure the scheduled deleted phases of subscriptions are excluded from the list builder renewals filter.
  • Fixed a bug where the newsletter source field was not reflecting correctly on the newsletters list.


Updated Docs

  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible, and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.



You can now add entitlements to your eCommerce orders.
The new entitlements field is now added under the SKUs. This will give you more granularity on controlling access to the content/services for your customers based on the individual eCommerce SKU.

Enhanced Subscriptions search engine!

A) You can now display the subscription price in the subscription search filters. All you need to do is to click on the gear icon, select the price and apply. The subscription price will show you the actual amount which was paid (taking coupon into accounts). This provides you with better segmentation directly through the platform for your operational day to day & reporting.

B) New search filters added

  • You can now search for your subscriptions using the plan name, the plan amount, and the collection method.

  • Additionally, you can now search your eCommerce orders using status, product name, and SKU name.

This provides you with better segmentation directly through the platform for your operational day to day & reporting.



  • Customer metadata are now available under the Update Customer, the Create Subscription, and the Update Subscription Open API endpoints to ensure that custom form fields can be stored on Pelcro directly from your website.
  • You now have the ability to filter subscriptions by status directly through the Core API, to mitigate time restrictions and payload for fetching all the required subscriptions within any integrations/automations.
  • You can now import Vantiv/Worldpay payment transaction NetworkTransactionID as part of the Create Source Core API endpoint for maximizing transaction success rates when using Worldpay as your payment gateway.


  • days_to_creation attribute within the invoice. upcoming webhook can now be overridden by the duration in the plan settings over the duration set in the site settings.
  • customer.id, customer.email, and customer.name attributes have been added within all of our source webhooks to properly notify end users based on expiring cards, so that you're able to maximize revenue and retention.
  • SKU metadata have been added to the order. created webhook payload to help you define business logic based on granular SKU custom information.



  • Your users will now have their email address updates automatically synced to MailChimp when directly from Pelcro.
  • We've also applied the below modifications to the checkout process in case of using TAP & Vantiv payment gateways, whenever a customer is creating a new subscription
    1. In case payment retries setting is active - if there is a hard decline on the payment, the subscription gets expired immediately, and the invoice is voided automatically
    2. In case payment retries setting is inactive - if there is any decline in the payment, the subscription gets expired immediately, and the invoice is voided automatically. This will ensure that if a customer is creating a new subscription, and the payment does not go through, the invoice which was generated will be voided and will not remain open.
  • TAP Payment gateway has now been enhanced to mitigate any declines related to limitations on debit cards with 3DS authentication. We now rely on TAP's BIN check API for checking if the card is a debit card or credit card. Debit cards are now directly charged with the minimal amount possible to verify that the card is valid, whereas credit cards undergo the normal verification as usual.



  • Fixed a bug with the collection method not accurately reflected for the renewals created by the campaign builder.
  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly reflected the end date of the subscription in the exports in case the subscription has been extended.
  • Fixed a bug with coupons not being applied through the UI on some of our payment gateways.



  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.


Platform updates

Two Address enhancements that your customer service team will love!

A) We want you to have the most seamless flow possible. The first enhancement will automatically fill the country field in the create address screens across multiple flows. All you need to do is to set the default country from your site settings and save your customer service team a step whenever they create a new address.

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B) Shipping address selection
You will now find the shipping address pre-selected when you create or renew a subscription instead of selecting it from the drop-down list.


Customer Metadata exports
You'll find the customer ID has been added to the customer metadata exports.


Customer segmentation made easier!
You will now find a new filter has been added to the list builder for fulfillment lists. This filter should enable you to segment customer subscriptions based on whether the customer is part of a previous fulfillment or not. This helps you build fulfillment lists for any ad-hoc fulfillments that may fall outside of your typical fulfillment cycle.


Enhancements to MailChimp Integration
A) Since merge tags are important to personalize the content you send to your users, we have introduced an enhancement that enables you to select which merge tags you wish to be sent from Pelcro to MailChimp. This enhancement should enable you to focus on the messages you wish to prioritize. You can do that by clicking on the MailChimp integration from the platform and then selecting which merge tags are to be sent to your MailChimp account.

B) You can also now send automated emails via MailChimp when a campaign has started as we've introduced the ability to sync the campaign.triggered event to MailChimp. This helps you in making sure you have the data points and the automation mechanisms necessary for new product launches, creating brand awareness, or even minimizing churn. Learn more


Automatic Personal Data Deletion
Pelcro supports you in maintaining compliance efforts with international privacy regulations (e.g. GDPR). A new setting has been added to the site settings, to ensure that when you delete a customer from your records, all associated personal data can no longer be linked to the user without the use of additional data. The delete customers button is now available only to the Admin and Owner roles.

Subscription enhancement
To enable you to freely delete future phases we made sure to remove the restrictions on deleting subscriptions' future phases.

Performance improvements

  • We're introducing major performance enhancements to a number of our platform most used sections, as well as several API endpoints, including but not limited to: subscriptions, customers, and accounting.




  • Customer email and Membership invitation_email are now available under the List Member Open API endpoint to ensure that invitation emails always show up on manage members modal, or to populate the email upon request.
  • New Delete Phase Core API endpoint which helps you delete future phases so that you can automatically manage renewals and expiry dates when changes are required.


We're adding a large ensemble of webhooks and webhook data points that can help you further expand on your notifications and automations, namely:

  • New member.deleted webhook is now triggered when a member is removed from a membership-type subscription.
  • New customer.deleted webhook is now triggered when a customer is deleted from your records.
  • New product.created webhook is now triggered when a new subscription-type product is created on your account.
  • New product.updated webhook is now triggered when a subscription-type product is updated, archived, unarchived, or when a new plan is added under a product on your account.
  • New plan.created webhook is now triggered when a new subscription-type plan is created on your account.
  • New plan.updated webhook is now triggered when a new subscription-type plan is updated, archived, or unarchived on your account.
  • Site ID(s) have been added to all of our webhooks to help you determined which site is the webhook being triggered from, and therefore have more control on your notifications and integration actions.
  • Subscription information such as the plan, product, internal name and schedule information has been added to the invoice.upcoming webhook to help you determine whether or not to send an email to the user on a plan change.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the e-commerce orders list that was taking a long time to load on the platform.
  • Fixed the SKU quantity changes/edits not reflecting correctly on the SKUs list.
  • Fixed invoice.created webhook behavior not emitting in some cases when a payment is not successful, but an invoice is created.


Documentation updates

  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.



Cancellations & Refunds Improvements

Cancellations and refunds are a necessary part of doing business, but they can often be a source of frustration for both customers and companies. Pelcro is committed to improving how cancellations and refunds behave, so that you have better experiences with their interactions when dealing with cancellations and refunds. These changes include the following:

  • We've revisited the cancellations and refunds interface so that you have more granular control over the following:
    • Refund destination: controlling whether you're refunding directly to customer's credit card, account balance, or alternatively, as an offline refund.
    • Refund type: you will get the option to either refund in full, on a prorated basis, or a partial amount. This depends on whether you are cancelling the associated subscription or not.
    • Refund reasons: the list of preset refund reasons has been populated with more options: "Non sufficient funds", "Credit card chargeback", and "Transfer" to assist with additional refund contexts.
  • We've improved how your refunds are managed through the platform
    • All offline refunds will now be first credited to the customer balance, and will remain on the system under "pending" status, until they have been approved by you. This ensures that your finances are tracked accurately throughout the system until the actual refund has been issued to your respective customers either through check, cash, or otherwise. This will also include offline refunds which have been issued back to the customer as a result of subscription cancellation
    • You'll be able to either selectively process your pending offline refunds either one at a time, or in bulk. This gives you more control of tracking refunds which were issued, without additional hassle.
    • You'll now see two separate sections which separate pending online & offline refunds. Pending online refunds are tied to your payment gateway processing status, whereas pending offline refunds are controlled by you.
  • Refunds which are being issued to your customers will now take into account whether said customer has sufficient balance to process the refund or not. This ensures you don't run into financial inconsistencies when you attempt to refund a payment, but the customer has already made a new purchase for a different subscription in the future. Refunds of this sort will show up as a failed refund with the reason reflected accordingly.
  • You will be able to export all of your refunds through the refunds list regardless of whether they have been processed or not. This change reflects on offline refunds, which you would typically be able to export only if they were in a "to-issue" state in the past.

Adjusting Customer Account Balance

  • We now provide you with the ability to refund your customers' account balance back to your customers as an offline payment. This ensures that you have more flexibility to ensure your customers are not overspending and helps them stay within budget. The refund process is simple and straightforward, allowing customers to receive the money quickly without any hassle.
  • Payments which have been made directly to the customer account balance can now only be reverted back to the customer if the customer account balance allows it. This restriction also ensures that you mitigate any financial liabilities in case the customer account balance has been consumed for a different transaction.

Accounting Revisions


Bookkeeping is essential for any business to succeed, and Pelcro is no exception. It's important to keep track of all transactions, as well as accuracy in revenue generation. With this release, we're introducing a number of changes to how our accounting module works, so that your finance teams can easily monitor and ensure that your money is being handled properly.

  • All refunds for payments made against invoices are now tracked through corresponding credit notes. Credit notes will help your business ensure that the correct amount of money is being refunded to customers. This will be the case for refunds associated with cancellations and without. Refunds for payments made against the customer balance will not have an associated credit note.

Invoice/Credit Note PDF Adjustments
Modifications were done for the Invoice and credit note PDFs to provide you with more consistent details for invoicing purposes, meet regulatory requirements, and be able to have correct invoice references.

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Updates to eCommerce

e-Commerce Invoicing

We have introduced invoicing tied to e-commerce orders which will provide you with all benefits tied to invoicing; keeping track of your orders, and making sure the payments are accurately reflected.
We are also ensuring all the applicable invoice webhooks are included as clarified in the webhooks section below.


Customers export enhancement
Added Active subscriptions count column which helps you easily identify the customers' active subscriptions count which is beneficial from a reporting and operational point of view.




  • Core API -We've added reference to the charge object returned in the GET and LIST APIs

  • Core API - We've introduced the ability to edit customer address in invoice creation.

SDK additions:

  • A username support for the register function in SDK has been added.


  • Core API - We've added the ability for you to add/edit metadata for the coupon object
    This will enable businesses to extract and sync one-time coupon-related information on newly created subscriptions.

  • We implemented invoice webhooks for e-commerce orders.
    1. invoice.created
    2. invoice.payment_failed
    3. invoice.payment_succeeded
    4. Include product/SKU information in webhooks

  • We gave our webhooks some attention and ensured the webhooks' correct triggers are in place in addition to adding new triggers.
    - Ensure that invoice.payment_succeeded is triggered when the Invoice is marked as paid
    - Added payment (charge) object
    - Add payment.id
    - Add offline boolean to indicate whether it was an offline or online payment
    - Add payment.category = [“Card”, “Check”, “Wire”, “Transfer”, “External”, “Cash”}
    - Add payment.reference from the reference field from offline payment modal
    - The amount_paid and amount_remaining fields must be updated along with marking the invoice as paid.
    - Ensure that subscription.cancelled is triggered when: Subscription is cancelled by a collaborator/end user (expiry date is reached with cancel_at field, not NULL - whether immediately or at period end)


Interface improvements

  • Your users can now log in with an all-CAPS email.

  • Access from China now has to go through human verification via Captcha.

  • Blurring and un-blurring content
    Content is now automatically unblurred on login and blurred on logout without needing to manually refresh it based on the entitlements.



  • Fixed Payment modal displayed without selecting any plan in the purchase flow on the default UI.
  • Fixed customer ID not linked with the Address ID in the request in the core API update address.
  • Fixed success message not displayed when a subscription auto-renewal is reactivated.
  • Fixed upcoming invoice notification override functionality in the monthly plans.
    The correct behaviour in case of an upcoming notification from both the site settings and the plan level is that the notification from the plan level should override the one from the site settings. The fixed bug was sending it twice, one from the site settings and another one from the plan level instead of overriding it.



  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.



Include payment link on invoice


Updating the Support Collaborator Role

The support collaborator role now has:

  1. View-only access on subscription products
  2. View-only access on eCommerce products
  3. Can manage eCommerce orders

Standalone Credit note PDF

  • In the credit notes list page, a link was added on the amount column that links directly to the credit note PDF view.
  • In the Invoice details page, under the credit notes section, a new column was added; Credit Note URL that downloads a PDF version of the credit note.
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Other Additions

  • We've added the subscription start date in the list export
  • We've added a Collection Method search filter for subscriptions
  • We've added a metadata field for SKUs under the eCommerce module
  • We've added the Member Created and Member Activated events to the SendGrid integration




SDK additions:

  • Address required on gift redemption condition
    Gift Redeem Modal

    • The gift-redeem modal is used when the user wants to start the flow of redeeming a gift code. once the user submits a gift code successfully in this modal, the code is stored in usePelcro's gift code field. If the gifted plan requires an address, it takes you to the address select/create modal first before the gift is successfully redeemed, otherwise the gift is redeemed right away.


  • 3DSv2 - Include payment link on invoice webhooks

  • We've added subscription, plan, and product information to charge webhooks

  • TAP - Logging & Error handling

    • For Charge requests:

      • Charge_ID & Payment Response are saved on Pelcro's activity logs
      • Charge_ID & Payment Response code surfaced on the following webhook notifications if TAP is the active payment gateway.
    • For Refund requests:

      • Charge_ID & Refund Response code are saved on Pelcro's activity logs
      • Charge_ID & Refund Response code are surfaced on the following webhook notifications if TAP is the active payment gateway



  • Fixed Platform List builder filtering not including eligible segments when selecting the current_period_end interval values
  • Fixed error displayed upon searching with the customer with the "All" filter selected in subscription list export.
  • Fixed SDK Country's tracked value missing from customer activity data



  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.



Login with Username


We've added the functionality for your end-users to authenticate with username and password! Your end-users now have the ability to add a username and login using it. Usernames are unique across your end-users on your account.

Manage Members from the Default UI


You're end-users - who are group owners or subscribers - can manage members on their subscriptions directly from their dashboard. This adds flexibility and autonomy for your group owners to manage who has access to their subscriptions. They can both add and remove members.

Tax Identification Number


To improve how our platform is structured in terms of regulatory and compliance readiness, we've added the following:

  • Added a new attribute "Tax Identification Number (TIN)" under customers that can be used for tax purposes for your end users, as necessary. This attribute is also now accessible through user dashboard.
  • Customer TIN will now be available on invoices whenever it's populated under the billing details related to the customer.

Spanish Language Support


Spanish language is now supported on Pelcro. You can set the Spanish language in the site language setting and in the product language. This extends even to our API response codes as well.

Other Additions

  • We've introduced some platform enhancements to help make your experience better, including:
    • When creating a new subscription, all of the details that you've added on the subscription form will be preserved after a new payment method is added, to ensure that you don't have to re-add all of the details again and save your time.
    • We've added the plan id as a prefix to the plan selection dropdown when you're creating a coupon. This is to ensure that you can distinguish between any two or more plans in case they have similar names.
    • We've added shortcuts to subscription renewal actions from the main subscriptions list section so that you can renew/quick renew subscriptions easily and with as little steps as possible.
    • We've added the following data points to corresponding exports to help you with any operational analysis and/or reporting:
      • Campaign key on all of our accounting exports. This will take into account campaign keys tied to new subscriptions on a subscription level, as well as those tied to renewed subscriptions on a phase level.
  • We've added a new field on the customer record called 'last_login_method' which will determine the method your users last logged in: 'email', 'google', 'facebook', 'auth0'.
  • We've added tax columns on the payment received exports from the Accounting module.
  • We've added a new JS Event that triggers whenever a paywall is not displayed: PelcroPaywallNotDisplayed
  • We've added a new UI Setting that you can add to your Pelcro scripts that will allow your end-users skip the payment forms for any free plans: window.Pelcro.uiSettings.skipPaymentForFreePlans = true/false.

Performance improvements

  • We're introducing major performance enhancements to a number of our platform most used sections, as well as several API endpoints.





  • New source.expired webhook which helps you identify and notify customers whenever any of their current payment methods have expired, so that you're able to minimize any disruptions to their subscriptions as well as your recurring revenue.



  • Fixed behavior for tax inclusive pricing breakdown on invoice subtotal details.
  • Fixed behavior with the autoRenew flag set to false on the subscription.created webhook when subscriptions on auto-renew have a trial period.



  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.




Introducing Tap payments as our latest addition to our list of supported payment gateways, to offer a seamless and scalable payment experience when it comes to payment processing. If you are signing up, or paying for your recurring subscriptions, eCommerce products, or both, these can now all be processed through Tap payments. Tap supports processing payments in 10+ currencies, allowing you to authorize customers in their native currency while receiving funds in yours.

Failed payment retries WorldPay (Vantiv)


If you are using Vantiv as your payment gateway and would like to configure payment dunning for failed payments, you can now use our payment retries setting to allow Pelcro to attempt to retry your customer’s credit card based on the specified settings if we receive a response from your payment gateway indicating that the card cannot be successfully charged.

Subscription End Date


As an admin, you are now able to update the end date of the subscription to before or after the existing end date. If you update the subscription to after the existing end date, the time period where the subscription was extended will have a new status called 'extended'. This will make it easier for you to see which subscriptions have been extended.

  • You will not be able to update subscriptions with renewals/phases added to them
  • You will only be able to update subscriptions that are not on autorenew

Renewals on Campaign Builder


You can now create bulk renewals on subscriptions that you segment on lists as part of the campaign builder. This functionality will allow you to select a new plan you want all the selected subscriptions to renew on and it will be scheduled as a future phase. You can also receive on export with the status of the renewals.

Invoice Payment Link


You're end-users can now pay any open invoice through our Invoice Payment Link. This link is available on the platform, webhooks and Core API. Any user with this link can pay off an invoice. This is super useful for collecting online payments after an invoice is created without it being charged automatically as part of the subscription.

eCommerce Inventory Management
You can now add a quantity to your eCommerce SKUs. The quantity will decrement with each order placed for a specific SKU and will return an error if an order is being made on a SKU with quantity=0.

Other Additions

  • We've introduced some platform enhancements to help make your experience better, including:

    • Added all the invoice & address details actions on the their corresponding list sections ellipsis menus for quick access.
    • Changed address search interface to match the new components introduced on subscriptions & customers.
    • Added a confirmation window on some invoice actions, including marking invoices as paid and as void.
    • Changed the customer field on subscriptions details view from displaying only the customer email to additionally include customer id & name, and linking back to the corresponding customer view.
    • Within the customer details page, we've added subscription & invoice ID columns under subscriptions & invoices tabs respectively and made them link directly to the corresponding invoice details.
    • Changed some colors to be contrast-compliant for accessibility purposes on the side navigation menu and main sections links.
  • We've now added the ability to issue offline refunds for migrated invoices when a migrated subscription gets cancelled on the platform.

  • We've added some useful data points to our refunds export, including subscription source and cancellation initiation. We've also changed the column titles on the campaigns export to be more descriptive.

  • We've surfaced the expiry date for your API access tokens to ensure that you keep track of the lifetime of your tokens, and ensure a regular recycling of them is in place.

  • We've introduced some performance enhancements relating to how our automatic uncollectible billing setting works on the backend.

  • We've added a new field called email_hardbounce that you can update based on feedback from your ESP.

  • We've added email verification events as part of our MailChimp integration.

  • We've added the last login date & number of successful logins in the customer and membership exports.




  • Core API: We've introduced the ability to include the new attribute old_provider_id with important objects being created within Pelcro to help you keep track of them as they relate to legacy platform which you've been using for subscription management prior to Pelcro. This is applicable to products, plans, subscriptions, invoices, and charges on their respective CREATE endpoints.

  • Core API: We've introduced the ability to effectively find subscriptions associated with a customer by adding:

    • Support for expanding subscriptions on customer LIST & GET endpoints.
    • Support for using subscription LIST for a specific customer id via a new optional query parameter customer_id



  • Fixed behavior for the customer/subscription list ellipsis menu not being displayed correctly.
  • Fixed behavior for performance degradations for customer.created & subscription.created webhooks triggering.
  • Fixed behavior for webhooks appearing to be unselected under notification settings although all events are configured.
  • Fixed behavior for subscription's discount not matching the latest phase's discount in case of some renewal cases.
  • Fixed intermittent errors being displayed upon marking invoice as paid from the invoices list.



  • We'd like you to always feel in control of the product, and able to work autonomously with minimal effort without jumping through hoops, that's why we are constantly working to update our documentation to ensure it remains up-to-date, relevant, easily accessible and structured in a consistent manner. Check it out here!

  • Keep an eye out for our new videos on our Youtube channel, to see how businesses increase subscriptions by more than 150% when relying on the fastest subscription process powered by Pelcro.

  • Don't forget to check out our new Product Roadmap to see what's in the making, and provide us with ideas, concerns, and insights to help us build products that matter.

    • You can suggest new ideas and add them to Pelcro's product team right here.
    • You can vote on ideas currently in the pipeline from here.